Life Goes On, So Am I

Its been i while since i've started thinking about my past and future.. Always i had a good chance to rethink about my future, but when i looks back to my past i feels myself as a loser. Most of the times i believe myself having something special compared to others. Thats the only reason which pulls me forward. Actually the fact is that i'm nothing other than a normal guy with normal life and abnormal feelings. Every morning i wake i up, i search my wallet and pocket which is always empty.. Someone puts money to my account for my expenses and i'm always thankful to that person. All i need is someone who as mine only, for me to share my things and for as mine, not for anyone else. Aah, its not possible at all :) well i'd love to spend my life as a dream wanderer, keeps glancing upon the stars and cursing myself for my past.. But i'm happy this way, because i feels myself special.


Unknown said...

Hmm....reminds me about something and someone as I read part of it..... "ME"

Unknown said...

I think it depends from person to person. Being alone for a longer period need not make you lonely. Also depends on how you utilize your time.

You do what you enjoy.. like read, write, travel, cook.... does that make you lonely even if you are literally alone for long period. Hmm.. does that make sense or have I gone bonkers.
And to your question, its yes...